Kleine Anomalie auf dem Server gehabt, iGor wollte die Strecke erst nicht sehen. Müsste jetzt aber laufen. Für alle Fälle steht ja 'ne IP dran ;) Had a small issue with the server, Igor refused to see the track at first. Should work now, for all cases there's an IP ;)
What a race that was. Non-stop battle for the lead with my edging out by not much.
I hadn't done any practice running qualifying fuel as I was investing my time perfecting my setup with 38 gallons on board. I only started on it half an hour before qualifying. By the end I had one I was happy with, but didn't had the time for a qualifying lap. But it wasn't too much a bother since the grid was small.
I got off the line well and found myself joining Claudio and Lasse fighting for first. For 10 laps or so I kept up with the Ferrari until I hit a tire kerb at the kink before the final turn. Luckily my car didn't went into any barriers and Lasse could pass me safely. Next lap Lasse went wide at the same place at which I retrieved second place, but with Claudio having a few seconds of air, which also seemed to have helped his pace as I couldn't get closer.
Just past the halfway point, the gap has remained stagnant, until Claudio suddenly crumbled, which prompted me in the lead. Now it was my race to lose, and I found that Lasse was beginning to push and getting in the mirrors. And with that, I was driving a bit more looking in my mirrors, instead of... well, forward.
When the gap between us was increasing a bit it lifted the mirror-driving also withered away and I began driving new fastest laps. With just a couple of laps left all that was left to do was to take the flag and here we are :)
I'm stoked with the win. It was long, hard fought race, very rewarding. These kinds of race are rare online and I don't do them a lot, but I'm looking to join the GELI grid more often this year. I won't make all races but I'll try to be there when I can.
Zitat von Tristan Bot im Beitrag #7WHAT IS THE NAME OF THE ROOM ON IGOR PLEASE ....THX
sorry, I couldn't check the follow up messages as I had tech. issues myself and only barely made it to the grid myself...
best to join the training race next friday to make sure you are able to join and clear all issues (advising something I don't do myself. eh eh eh... ;) )
there was not the usual list of who drives which car in 2024 so I picked the Lotus - assuming this would be the least chosen car (maybe even by no one ?? we'll see) I hope that is okay. Though technically that is not allowed I say it regardless: I can always change to any car if that helps. (mind that I will probably again participate in only a few races...)
Tolle Strecke! Weil sie so flüssig ist, lag sie mir sehr gut. Ich konnte gut den Nachteil meiner Augen ausgleichen. Aber dass ich ne 21er schaffe und nur 2 zentel von meiner PB entfernt war, überraschte mich sehr.
Der Start ging gut und ich konnte mich etwas absetzen. Aber ich glaube mehr als 4-5 sec. ging es nicht. Ich konnte es aber bis ca zur 20. Runde halten, als ich auf die Idee kam auf der langen Gerade etwas zu trinken. Ich verschluckte mich und musste dann für ca. 3 Runden nur Husten. Manchmal sogar mit tränen im Auge. Ist natürlich super wenn man nur mit einem Auge guckt.
Es kamen natürlich fehler und Yannick und Lasse kamen vorbei. Ich konnte aber dranbleiben und ich erholte mich etwas. Frei fahren ist aber was anderes, wie wenn einer vor mir fährt. Wenn das Auto vor mir schräg links ist, sehr ich ihn überhaubt nicht, so das ich natürlich vorsichtiger bin und früher bremse. Ein Angriff ist daher unmöglich.
Dann verhaue ich einen Bremspunkt so dermassen dass ich versuchte Lasse nicht abzuräumen. Es gelang und ich knallte voll in den Zaun. Auto lief noch aber nicht mehr gut. Eigentlich hätte ich locker P3 holen können, aber es kamen weitere fehler und Greg kam auch vorbei. Hat trotzdem Spass gemacht. Gratulation an das podium, gut gemacht. ========================================================================================================================================= Great route! Because it is so flowing, it suited me very well. I was able to compensate well for the disadvantage of my eyes. But the fact that I managed a 21 and was only 2 tenths off my PB really surprised me.
The start went well and I was able to pull away a bit. But I don't think it was more than 4-5 seconds. I was able to hold it until about the 20th lap when I had the idea to drink something on the long straight. I choked and then had to cough for about 3 laps. Sometimes even with tears in my eyes. Of course, it's great if you can only see with one eye.
Of course there were mistakes and Yannick and Lasse came round. But I managed to keep up and recovered a bit. But freewheeling is different to having someone in front of me. If the car in front of me is diagonally to the left, I don't see him at all, so I'm naturally more careful and brake earlier. An attack is therefore impossible.
Then I miss a braking point to such an extent that I try not to clear Lasse. I succeeded and crashed into the fence. The car was still running, but not well. I could have easily taken P3, but there were more mistakes and Greg also got past. It was still fun though. Congratulations to the podium, well done.
Hi Tristan, Too bad you couldn't make the trip. I hope you're not upset. As fabian said, it says "Forum overview" at the top of the page and a white envelope flashes to the left of it