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Dieses Thema hat 6 Antworten
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 Das Smalltalk-Board
tim Offline


Beiträge: 558

23.01.2020 12:27
Schottenring - Pre-Trainings-Server online Antworten

Liebe Leute,

heute Abend (ab ca 18 Uhr) werd ich mal meinen GPL-Server anwerfen und ein wenig trainieren. Vielleicht hat ja wer Lust auch ein wenig im Kreis zu fahren?

LG tim

Cruo Offline


Beiträge: 512

23.01.2020 18:30
#2 RE: Schottenring - Pre-Trainings-Server online Antworten

me me. but .i am to late, uh

Sanjin Haler

tim Offline


Beiträge: 558

23.01.2020 19:26
#3 RE: Schottenring - Pre-Trainings-Server online Antworten

just in time, Sanjin -server runs. Name: "OpenPS"
Axel is also there and it will run until midnight..

hopefully we meet there..

Cruo Offline


Beiträge: 512

23.01.2020 22:13
#4 RE: Schottenring - Pre-Trainings-Server online Antworten

thanks m8. Was fun. I need training.

most of tracks from this year I didnt drive. So its long journey for me. + That BRM + clutch. I will put now some less clutch in shift.ini to 6 (60%) from 7. maybe helps.

i reinstall gem+ so works on igor for now.

Sanjin Haler

Robert Fleurke Offline


Beiträge: 571

24.01.2020 07:08
#5 RE: Schottenring - Pre-Trainings-Server online Antworten

I understand Sanjin. Lots of difficult tracks to learn, and together with bRM and clutch that's a real challenge. Much respect

Also I don't expect to make tonights training, but I will try if I can...

tim Offline


Beiträge: 558

30.01.2020 18:01
#6 RE: Schottenring - Pre-Trainings-Server online Antworten

Again, if somebody seeks training, my gpl-server will run ´til midnight ("TIMs").
find me there ;)

Cruo Offline


Beiträge: 512

30.01.2020 22:28
#7 RE: Schottenring - Pre-Trainings-Server online Antworten

Uh maybe next time. This time I needed to drive alone. So much things to test

Sanjin Haler

GPL 1968 Mod »»
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