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Dieses Thema hat 8 Antworten
und wurde 284 mal aufgerufen
 GPL Gentlemen's League
Hans Marfan Offline


Beiträge: 2.186

08.03.2019 19:18
Bremgarten - Grand Prix Antworten

Server @: VROC

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Start: 20:00 Uhr / 8:00 p.m. CET

tim Offline


Beiträge: 558

08.03.2019 21:42
#2 RE: Bremgarten - Grand Prix Antworten

Shame on me, overtaking like a real idiot!

Uwe Herrling Offline


Beiträge: 192

08.03.2019 21:57
#3 RE: Bremgarten - Grand Prix Antworten

to me it looked like it could have worked out, but maybe a bit more to the left...? ;-)

Naja, Hauptsache es passiert nicht zu oft...

Konnte leider nix tun - als ich sehen konnte was los war kreiselte Kelvin schon auf der Idealline rum, und die hätte ich gebraucht, um die Kurve noch zu kriegen. Immerhin hatte ich nur ein Rad ab, bei Claudio war nur noch eins dran(!)...

CU nächstes mal,

GrandPrixYannick Offline


Beiträge: 21

08.03.2019 22:04
#4 RE: Bremgarten - Grand Prix Antworten

I am so stupid!!

Could have gotten a win here but my concentration slipped through Wohlenstraße/Trintignant and got into the wall. Lost a wheel.

Really gutted by this.
Ferrari felt very good on one of my most liked circuits out there.
But yeah, Bremgarten is incredibly unforgiving for errors...

Claudio Callipo Offline


Beiträge: 2.546

08.03.2019 22:23
#5 RE: Bremgarten - Grand Prix Antworten

Mann, was ein besch.... Rennen!!!
Dass Tim am Start wie der Blitz vorbeischoss ging ja noch.
Aber als er nach 1 Runde bei Start/Ziel durch ein Schild schiesst zum überholen (!) und dann wie ein Kreisel über die Bahn schliddert, war echt Mist!
Hab versucht links an der Wand vorbeizukommen, aber da ging nix, Räder ab! Ende!

Und dass nach 1 Runde!!! Mehr Geduld Tim!!!!
Das war ein GP!

Offline dann voller Wut ne 2:04,14 gefahren.

Schön, aber bringt nix.

Mit sportlichem Gruss
Vernünftige Autos werden vom Antrieb geschoben, nicht gezogen !!! (Walter Röhrl)

Ferdi Offline


Beiträge: 5.405

08.03.2019 22:47
#6 RE: Bremgarten - Grand Prix Antworten

Gruß Ferdi

Claudio Callipo Offline


Beiträge: 2.546

08.03.2019 23:08
#7 RE: Bremgarten - Grand Prix Antworten

Mit sportlichem Gruss
Vernünftige Autos werden vom Antrieb geschoben, nicht gezogen !!! (Walter Röhrl)

Robert Fleurke Offline


Beiträge: 571

08.03.2019 23:35
#8 RE: Bremgarten - Grand Prix Antworten

Had a great quali run, and was surprised with the laptime, close to the official BRM WR. Just edged out Yannick who also did a great lap.

Start was again sloppy, went wide at T1 and probably bunched up the field. Tim was close behind the first lap, and I didn't want to force the issue on the main straight. Was aware and gave him all the room, but sadly for Tim and some others he spun. Checked up and narrowly could avoid him. Yannick behind did a great job not running into me. From then on Yannick had a better pace, and I started to overdrive the car making mistakes. Hit the barriers a couple of times and outbraked myself giving the lead to Yannick. Was dreading a long race with a damaged car, but the car wasn't that off. Pure luck. But later Yannick spun, and inherited the lead a gain. But again overdrove the car and after some laps made another mistake, yielding the lead to Yannick.

Stayed close but then made another mistake, losing 4s. From then on our pace was similar, but Yannick made a terminal mistake in the woods. Bad luck mate, great pace. Then Lasse still was lurking from behind and gaining. I didn't take any risks with lapping, and towards the end set a few fast laps.

I must admit the engine was on the edge whole race, and the car was very strong despite my abuse. At times I drove very well, but simply overdrove too much which resulted in mistakes.

Grats to Lasse for P2, great pace, and Kelvin for P3. Great job finishers, thanks for the room. Commiserations to the retirements, especially those getting caught up in the mess on the main straight. Tim's attempt was legit, I was aware and gave room. Maybe Tim thought I would turn in on him!? Bad luck guys.

tim Offline


Beiträge: 558

09.03.2019 08:24
#9 RE: Bremgarten - Grand Prix Antworten

Claudio you are so right, I was far to hot and tried to overtake like a prone. In that moment everything I decided was wrong. Sorry also to Uwe, Kelvin and all for disturbing your evening!
I promise patience

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