Mit sportlichem Gruss Claudio ----------------------------------------------------- Vernünftige Autos werden vom Antrieb geschoben, nicht gezogen !!! (Walter Röhrl)
Gratulation Ferdi! mal wieder alles richtig gemacht.
Voll den Start verschlafen. Aber dann hinter dem Feld hinterher. ich sah die Autos noch in der Kurve reinfahren. Aber GPL setzte uns 1 Runde zurück. Komisch. Macht aber Spass, wenn man weiss wie die Strecke funktioniert. Hatte schnell ein Setup aus dem Netz und es ging eigentlich ganz gut. Aber vorne und hinten Rechts war es doch etwas Heiss. Wenn man etwas langsamer fährt geht es aber.
Robert, kann es sein dass Du den Flaggenmann wieder nicht sehen kannst?
Congratulations Ferdi! You did everything right again.
I slept through the start. But then we were behind the field. I saw the cars coming into the corner. But GPL put us 1 lap behind. Strange. But it's fun when you know how the track works. I quickly got a setup from the net and it actually went quite well. But it was a bit hot at the front and right rear. But if you drive a bit slower, it works.
Robert, is it possible that you can't see the flag man again?
Mit sportlichem Gruss Claudio ----------------------------------------------------- Vernünftige Autos werden vom Antrieb geschoben, nicht gezogen !!! (Walter Röhrl)
I had a miserable start as many of us - reason is that I was watching Robert right in front of me and wondering if he could see the starting lights - obviously he couldn´t.. I also was surprised that nobody overtook me at this moment. So I tried to focus and could do a couple of fast, almost perfect laps. Robert wasn´t able to follow and the gap increased. After about 10 laps I recognized that Ferdi will catch Robert and is going even much faster then me. When he was on my tale I let him savely pass, same with Claudio in the middle of the race. Both guys had unreachable speeds for me. Well, I´m saddisfied with making no mistake for 90 minutes and happy my engine didn´t blow up, as I had to manage the watertemp constantly at 107° the whole race long -that was quite interesting.
Gratulations Ferdi for making no mistake and "driving it home"! Also Claudio!
Wir sollten uns für nächste Woche einigen - Pace-Lap oder stehender Start. Da die Autos vermutlich bei allen recht asymmetrisch eingestellt sind, sehe ich Probleme für den stehenden Start, ich wäre also für eine Pace-Lap, wie wir das sonst bei Ovalen auch immer gemacht haben.
We should agree on a pace lap or a standing start for next week. Since the cars are probably set up quite asymmetrically for all of them, I see problems for the standing start, so I would be in favour of a pace lap, as we have always done on ovals.
Indeed I did not see the starter/flagman. But I don't expect Pole for next week. At this sort of tracks the car strength is determining the pace, and I have no chance or illusion to finish on the podium.
Not much room for improvement, the car is simply too heavy and too slow. Congrats Ferdi, and well done finishers.
In der Tat habe ich den Starter/Fähnrich nicht gesehen. Aber ich erwarte nicht Pole für nächste Woche. Auf dieser Art von Strecken bestimmt die Stärke des Autos die Pace, und ich habe keine Chance oder Illusion, auf das Podium zu kommen.
Es gibt nicht viel Raum für Verbesserungen, das Auto ist einfach zu schwer und zu langsam. Glückwunsch an Ferdi und an alle, die es geschafft haben.
Well, I'm also in favour of a pace lap. But the starting grid should still be pushed back a bit. That will certainly not be a problem.
And Robert, take care of Ferdi. He's right behind you!
Mit sportlichem Gruss Claudio ----------------------------------------------------- Vernünftige Autos werden vom Antrieb geschoben, nicht gezogen !!! (Walter Röhrl)
One race i had no flag man in sight so i press f10 and voila. Lets race.
Thanks Sanjin, I also tried with F10 but still did not see flagman because of my wider horizontal field of view, and thus a smaller vertical field of view. But you are right though with F10 you see more
Zitat von Claudio Callipo im Beitrag #10Also ich bin auch für eine Pace-Lap. Das Starting Grid sollte man aber trotzdem etwas nach hiinten schieben. Das wird bestimmt kein Problem sein.
Und Robert, pass auf Ferdi auf. Er ist Dir auf den fersen!
Well, I'm also in favour of a pace lap. But the starting grid should still be pushed back a bit. That will certainly not be a problem.
And Robert, take care of Ferdi. He's right behind you!
Pacelap is OK with me, but we might need some procedure details like speed and formation (staggered?). Polesitter takes start in between where the pitlane haybales start, and the s/f line!? Just some thoughts.
To my defense that Eagle time was on a blue monday when I still was in simracing retirement, so not reflecting my current skills and form. That said, Ferdi is on fire lately, especially in Training. He is a podium suspect for sure
Zitat von Robert Fleurke im Beitrag #12To my defense that Eagle time was on a blue monday when I still was in simracing retirement, so not reflecting my current skills and form.
I had wondered why your eagle round was so bad.
Zitat von Robert Fleurke im Beitrag #12That said, Ferdi is on fire lately, especially in Training. He is a podium suspect for sure
Uh. Ok Robert. Than there is another thing. And its in gplshift.ini " ZOOM (Field Of View) in/out in CAR View (works also in the Replay) And save the ZOOM position in GPLshift.ini via the Keyboard HOME key. "
So enable arrow keys for zoom in or out, and hit home for default FOV.
Jeder soll die gleichen Chancen haben. Man kann das Grid ganz einfach nach hinten schieben und man sieht den Flaggenmann! ============================================================================================================== Everyone should have the same chances. You can easily move the grid to the back and you can see the flag man!
Mit sportlichem Gruss Claudio ----------------------------------------------------- Vernünftige Autos werden vom Antrieb geschoben, nicht gezogen !!! (Walter Röhrl)